Letter to my fourteen year self

Hey! Hope you are fine and not crying because your life is a mess. It is gonna be fine. I know exactly what you are going through and this is going to get worse. But when you will be at your worst, you are gonna rise up from the darkness like a phoenix rises from ash. You are feeling like your emotions are overpowering you and this is just hormones and situation you are currently in. It's okay to feel things. It's okay to cry over stupid stuffs. What is not okay is let these things consume you. Speak out, stay silent, do whatever makes you feel better today. It's okay to be selfish. What's not okay is self harm and self destruction. So let me begin by addressing things you want to talk least about- your Insecurities. You are insecure about how you look, how you talk, are you even good enough? Will you ever be able to make your parents proud? I have answer to all of these. Looks doesn't matter. Trust me, looks are the first thing that are noticed but the...