
I am a kind of person who strongly believes that whatever happens in our life, we ourselves play a very important part in its happening. I consider myself as a believer, and what I strongly believe in is that we can make things happen by changing vibes and mindset. Mind is the greatest of all in this world. If you know how to make your mind work a certain way, you can do anything in this world. Here I don't want to talk about productivity because I am myself a procrastinator. And hypocrisy is the last thing I want to do in this world. 

So, I am going to brag about something I have achieved over a course of past two years. I have successfully overcame my anxiety issues. Still there are days when I feel depressed and question my existence but most of the days I am cheerful and a happy being. I have made this possible by making my mind my bestest friend and so can you. You can win any battle in this world if you have yourself by your side. 

The very first thing was the realization part. This is the most important of all because most of the time we keep going through hell and don't realize. So, if you are constantly feeling negative and feeling like your life is falling apart. Its time to sit back and analyze.

Second step was the toughest. It was getting it through your nerves. Here I used to feel like my nerves are gonna burst and I used to tremble because of it. And the headache was my constant companion, at one point I used to feel like this is the normal state of my body. But trust me when this phase is passed you start to feel alive again and it is very important to not take any decision or step during your low phase. Rather you should talk about it to someone who is willing to listen. Spend more time with people who are positive and try to feel better. Its tough but eventually you will get there. 

Now after the worst part was gone, I decided to work for myself. Many say that when you are dealing with anxiety, you should do something that makes you happy but in my case I used to feel even more anxious because of the inability to focus. What I did was, I started clearing out my environment. This might look like a one step thing but it was a wide area to cover. It included :
1.Cleaning up my room
2.Getting rid of things that are of no use because I get overwhelmed by seeing a lot of stuff around me.
3.Cleaning my digital stuff of all the unnecessary things 
4.I got out of all the toxic relationships, be it the ones in which the other person was toxic or the ones that were making me a toxic person.

After this I started feeling good and started focusing on myself. No I didn't start to workout, I am yet to work on that. I started taking care of my mental health. I consumed only that information that do not mess with my mental being. I started to take care of my skin. I became an essentialist. I started dressing according to my style rather than what's in trend.

And now after winning this battle with anxiety, here I am with the last thing. I am talking about it. I know should have done this earlier but neverminded.   


  1. It's so amazing vartikaa , hope it's works im my life too ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ
    Thank yaa ๐Ÿ’•❤

    1. Just believe in yourself and everything will become possible

  2. Wo yaha se haridwar ka raasta konsa h ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  3. Well that's a very helpful journey!!


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