
I am a kind of person who strongly believes that whatever happens in our life, we ourselves play a very important part in its happening. I consider myself as a believer, and what I strongly believe in is that we can make things happen by changing vibes and mindset. Mind is the greatest of all in this world. If you know how to make your mind work a certain way, you can do anything in this world. Here I don't want to talk about productivity because I am myself a procrastinator. And hypocrisy is the last thing I want to do in this world. So, I am going to brag about something I have achieved over a course of past two years. I have successfully overcame my anxiety issues. Still there are days when I feel depressed and question my existence but most of the days I am cheerful and a happy being. I have made this possible by making my mind my bestest friend and so can you. You can win any battle in this world if you have yourself by your side. The very first thing was th...