Yeah!! everyone says life is a journey and death is the ultimate destination. But what matters the most is during this journey where you decide to halt, which places you decide to just walk past, what you consider as a milestone. In the journey of life these places are not real places, they are people and experiences. 

When we meet someone whos company we enjoy, we decide to hold on to those people. Sometimes we experience moments that we wish never ends, these are the moments we hold on to. These people and moments collect and become our favorite. We wish to go back to those people even if it's difficult. We wish to live those moments again and again through pictures, videos, conversations and sometimes we just talk to ourselves and remind that life is worth living because of those people and moments. 

But to the contrary there are some people who don't play any part in our life. There existence doesn't matter to us. And we need to normalize not caring. And it's okay to be one such person in someone else's life. Our worth is not defined by people to whom we don't matter but by those to whom we do. 

Now comes the Milestones, we call them goals in normal language. These differ from person to person. One of my goals was to score ninety percent in high school and one of my classmate's goals was to pass the examination. Now the fun part is he achieved it and I didn't. On the day of results, he was celebrating and I was crying because I missed my goal by .04%. Anyways we both are living our life just fine. We need to understand that goal setting is important but not achieving them is also just fine. Life doesn't end their, it is a chance to improve yourself.

My view is that whatever comes in life just enjoy it and make it a story worth remembering and telling. There will be bad experiences, bad people and bad moments, even bad period but that will be your own story and you will be the hero of your story who ultimately achieved happiness and made it to the end.


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