
Showing posts from November, 2020

Roses are red

What is the first thought that comes in your mind when you see a rose? Mine is: Nature is beyond the understanding of human. We consider rose as a symbol of beauty, love, care and all the good things. But a rose is not just a flower, it's an emotion, it's an inspiration.  Some of you might not know that rose is propagated with the method of layering, which means it grows it's roots itself when it's stem is put into soil. This shows the adaptive nature of rose. We all should learn this thing from rose. No matter how many times we are cut down, we should grow our roots over and over again and stay grounded. But along with it's adaptive nature, the plant of rose is delicate. If not given proper nourishment and care, it dies. Can you notice the similarity in behavior of rose and humans? We have to be strong enough to hold ourselves together in every situation but at the same time we all need proper care and nourishment. This includes how we nourish ourselves...

Crescent Moon

How you see a crecent moon?  Moon who's more than half is not visible or moon who's some part is still visible.  Both the sentences are almost similar but each of them tell something about your perspective. If you focus on the part that is still visible it means that you manage to find positivity in every situation no matter what. But if you focus on the part that is missing it means that you always struggle with negative side of the situation and fail to enjoy the small and big moments of happiness in your life. Here I have attached a picture of yesterday night's crecent moon. Have a look at it and decide your side of yin or yang. Also, you can take a moment to appreciate my photography just in case.  Have a nice day. 

Sky inspired me

Beauty is not in meeting standards of society. Beauty is being urself. This is what the sky teaches us. It stays the way it wants and we find it beautiful.