Heya People!! Today's topic is, as you have read- "Body Positivity". Like most of the topics of my blog, this one is also kinda close to my heart. I am someone who have been insecure about the way I look for the most of the time. My initial insecurity was my body weight. The reasons for me being underweight were many. I had this thought in my mind that if I will eat than I will get fat. And when I got to know that this is not the case, it was too late. My body no longer accepted the quantum of food I should be eating. Moreover, in my growing years I was mostly ill, the reason being I was not eating healthy and enough. This thing also led to my second insecurity that was my height. I am 5'1" which is an average height of an Indian girl. But most of my teenage years I was insecure that I didn't look of the age I was. I was underweight and short! my worst two nightmares combined. Now you must be wondering Vartika enough of the plot building. Tell us...