
Showing posts from September, 2021

तुम भी और हम भी

क्यों हर सवाल का जवाब ढूंढ रहे हो ? क्यों खुद में ही उलझ रहे हो ? आओ साथ मिलकर बैठे, कुछ गम तुम बाटो, कुछ खुशियां हम भी भरदे।। जिंदगी नही आसान ऐ दोस्त, तुम भी समझ गए और हम भी। चलो अपने राज़ एक दूसरे को बता दे, वज़न कंधो से हटा दे, तुम भी और हम भी ।। आज साथ बैठकर रो लेते हैं, कल साथ में हसेंगे । वादा है तुमसे ऐ दोस्त, जब भी मिलेंगे खूब किस्से सुनाएंगे, तुम भी और हम भी ।। 

My Writing Journey

I started writing I was not sure if I will continue it or not. I was not even sure whether I will be publishing my second blog or not. But what motivated me? My self esteem, my believe in myself that I am good at writing. NO! not at all. Before all this I never even considered myself as a writer. Just before the beginning of my college life, started my writing journey. At first I shared my blogs with people I know. I was sure they won't say anything that will break my confidence at the same time they will be honest enough to let me know where I can make required changes. But what they did? They did exactly as I expected. They complimented me for my writing and enlightened me where I can make changes to make my writing better. My sister played a major role correcting my grammatical mistakes and helped me stick to conventional English so that I don't use abbreviations that no one will understand.  Okay! so after that came a phase when I started sharing my blogs with m...