"He" is also a human

Well this has always been a topic of debate that whether men are superior or women. In order to simply win the argument we often forget that we are humans first. Gender might make us all different but we still are humans and several other points of differentiation don't really matter much. Earlier I wrote a blog in which I wrote about my views on feminism and how equality is important for women. But somewhere fighting for equality for women, we often forget that men are humans too. They also have their own struggles. Just imagine that you are overwhelmed with feelings and emotions but you are not supposed to cry because you are a men. Anyone can cry. It is important to let things out. Also, men are always expected to earn more than their better half, why so? What if he is more into house chores or their can be other reasons that they can never share. Every person have his/her struggle and as much as it is important to stay strong, it is also important to be gentle of on...