
Showing posts from April, 2021


So here is to the people who has always got my back. From a small tiny toony compliment to all the big fuss in my life. If you are one of them you already know. When I started writing I never thought that this will one day become my hobby. It all started with a childish poem wrote by a 12 year old to her sister. But I got all the compliments in the world that kept me going. Slowly and steadily I continued writing my thoughts and feelings out which helped me cope with my low phases.  I am a person who is jack of all traits but master of none. So, there is nothing that I can brag about but a lot I can talk about. The first hobby that i took up as a child was dancing. My mamma tried to enroll me for dance classes, proof that she supported me. But I retaliated because classical dance was not my thing. I showed little interest here and there. Then years passed by and hobby never turned into passion.  Then I took up another hobby of singing, not as a performer but alone ...


TTRRIIGGEERRR!!! sounds weird and kinda scary. But I m not talking about a gun but humans in general. I have not studied psychology but one thing that I have observed and learned over a period of time is that you can't judge a person on the basis of what triggers him/her. For some people a normal thing can be a sensitive topic and if that thing doesn't bother you doesn't mean that it won't bother someone else. It is important to respect sentiments of others. It is important to mutually understand things and clear disparities. 

Women ✨

What is women empowerment? Women empowerment refers to the steps taken by individuals, groups or society in general in order to empower women so that they get equal opportunities and are treated like an equal. Women empowerment should not be misinterpreted as a means to disrespect or degrade the position of men in society. It simply means that women should be treated as equal without being discriminated against on the basis of gender.  When we talk about women empowerment, people think that women are weak and they need help to be uplifted. But actually, women are already strong enough. All that we want is to be treated respectfully the way we deserve. Women never ask for respect just because of their gender, women should be respected for the things that they do in the society. Women have played an important role in the upliftment of society. If you are a man and reading this, can you even imagine living a day without women in your life? I won't argue that women are more...